Page 19 - ABF Newsletter February 2025
P. 19

From the Summer Festival Daily Bulletin, 8 January
The Australian bridge community is reeling today after the sudden loss of one of the most colourful bridge personalities in Australia for more than half a century, Simon Hinge.
Simon was my favoured bridge partner in a bridge career spanning 55 years. I was proud to be his part- ner and admired both his bridge brain and his some- times devilish decisions. He would say after some- thing went wrong, “Well, at least you gave it a go”.
I can’t say with any certainty when we formed a part- nership, but it was enduring, and while we didn’t always agree, we never argued. Simon, known to be intolerant of what he considered stupidity, could appear aloof and irascible, but he could also be ex- tremely loveable.
In his 50+ years of competitive bridge, playing with many notable partners, Simon amassed nearly 11,000 masterpoints, making him a worthy Emerald Grand Master.
Simon also served the bridge community well. He was on the ABF Management Committee for a number of years, and was instrumental in helping design the current ABF website.
Simon was like an iceberg, with only part of his im- mense personality showing above water. He was successful in compartmentalising areas of his life. His beloved rubber bridge game on a Friday evening saw him rub shoulders with bridge players seldom if ever seen at a bridge club.
His love for cryptic crosswords and trivia online with his band of cronies, his fascination for Collingwood Football Club, and his album of “old sheds” photo- graphed on his travels these are all legendary facets of the man. While he grew up in South Australia his many friends in Victoria are the ones who knew him best, some of them now lost to us all.
In my most satisfying win in recent years (the 2018 Spring National Open Teams) Simon and I teamed up with talented youngsters Ella Jacob (Pattison) - Nye Griffiths. Simon’s personality could span the generations, and he was great friends with young people like Laura Ginnan, our Summer Festival Or- ganiser, who showcased her imagination by organis- ing Simon’s 70th birthday party in June 2022.
He was also a great friend to the late Jeannette Col- lins, and they could be seen enjoying strong lattes at all the trendy cafes in Simon’s favoured St Kilda/ Middle Park/South Melbourne zones.
Today, the end came suddenly for my dear friend. Travelling to our favourite event, the Summer Fes- tival, a sharp cry and his head turned to one side, the life went out of Simon’s eyes and despite the efforts of Andrew Mill, two willing onlookers, the ambulance and paramedic personnel Simon could not be revived.
Simon boasts an impressive bridge career that spans decades of elite competition. He represented the Open APBF Team in 1994 and 2005 and competed in the prestigious WBF d’Orsi Senior Teams in 2013. Simon also served as the non-playing captain of the Venice Cup Teams in both 1991 and 2007. These international accolades complement his numerous National Titles.
Stephen Lester
   Junior Suite on the Beach
OZ Bridge Travel presents...
Hoi An Vietnam
Bridge Boot Camp
Victoria Hoi An Resort
May 5 – May 13, 2025
9 Days/8 Nights only $3,195.00
Host: Gary Brown
One of the most coveted Bridge getaways on the calendar is Hoi An Vietnam! We are staying at the luxurious Victoria Hoi An Resort and Spa - located on the white sand beaches of the South China Sea. Even if you have joined us here before – come again! There is so much to see and do. The Bridge Boot Camp focus is on Defence. Two morning clinics (Intermediate/Advanced) followed by lunch break and an afternoon Duplicate. Play only when you want. Vietnamese food is an experience you will savour! Included: 8 nights twin-share accommodation, hot breakfast buffet daily, 1-hour free flow welcome drinks, Welcome BBQ, Departure Seafood Buffet, shuttle service daily into the old town and a big Bridge program! Your Defence and results will improve heaps! *Bonus! 2 free post-tour nights (May 13/14) to the first 20 rooms booked!
For a full colour brochure email: Call Gary:  0418 570 430 Australian Bridge Federation Ltd. Newsletter: February 2025
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