Page 17 - ABF Newsletter June 2024
P. 17

   IMPROVE YOUR DEFENCE with Ron Klinger Solution to problem on page 2  SPEEDING TICKET Dealer East. East-West vulnerable. \] 10 7 3 \[AQJ9 \}J972 \{ K 8 EAST SOUTH pass 1\{ pass 2\{ pass 2NT all pass After the opponents’ auction as above, West led the \]8. East’s \]J won and East continued with the \]Q (the \]K might have been clearer). South won the \]A at trick two and played the \{4. West rose with \{A and continued spades. The defence had four tricks, but when the \{Q fell under the \{K, declarer had nine tricks for +400. With South having shown long clubs, there was no urgency for West to rise with the \{K. If declarer had seven tricks in the red suits, there was no way to defeat 3NT with one club and three spades. If you duck, the defence can come to two clubs and three spades. At the other table, South was one off in 3NT. Other results: Open: 3NT +400, +10 imps vs 3NT -50; Women: 3NT -50 both tables; Seniors: 3NT +400, +10 imps vs 3NT -50. The Real Deal Workout with Ron Klinger Now available at: Bridge questions and answers emailed to you and featuring deals from actual events, local and overseas. Details and samples available on the website. To subscribe, please contact: \]9854 \[532 \}864 S \{A62 WN E WEST NORTH pass 1\[ pass 2\} pass 3NT West leads the \]8: three - jack - two. East continues with the \]Q, won by South with the \]A. South now plays the \{4. What would you play as West? From Session 3 of the final of the 2023 Australian Interstate Youth Teams: Board 28. Dealer East. East-West vulnerable. \] 10 7 3 \[AQJ9 \}J972 \{K8 \]9854 \]KQJ6 \[532 \[ 10 8 6 4 \}864 \} Q 10 5 \{A62 \{Q3 \]A2 \[K7 \}AK3 \{ J 10 9 7 5 4   Australian Bridge Federation Ltd. Newsletter: June 2024 Page: 17  

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