Page 18 - ABF Newsletter June 2024
P. 18
A GAME AT THE (Young Chelsea) CLUB Barbara Travis The Friday night game at the Young Chelsea Bridge Club in London is run as Pairs but with IMP scoring (Teams-style scoring) across the field’s results. On the night I played, there were 16 tables (a recent ‘high’) and we played 13 rounds, so each result was divided by 13, to bring it back to a ‘table-style’ result. We sat East-West, though there is an arrow-switch for the final two rounds, so the result is a single winner – a very popular format in my experience at games in England. Let’s start with the most expensive of our bad boards. You are sitting West, all vulnerable, and South opens with a strong 2\{. You hold: \]AJ9874 \[532 \}K7 \{J4 You really should overcall 2\], given the six-card suit. If you pass, the auction will proceed: 4\[ making cost us 8.67 imps; 5\[ down one would have gained us 4.67 imps. Nobody was allowed to play in 4\]. The following deal had its humorous elements: \] A Q J 8 \[ Q 10 2 \} A K 2 \{ Q J 8 We were playing Acol (weak 1NT, four-card suits), so I decided to open 1\], planning to rebid 3NT. Partner, however, responded 2\[ (10+ HCP, 5+ hearts). I de- cided this hand looked better played from my hand, given how balanced it was, and rebid 2NT (game forcing, 15+ HCP). Partner now rebid 3\], showing 3+ card spade support, and I rebid 3NT, confirm- ing only four spades. Partner now corrected to 4\], showing four spades and about 11 HCP – this was an auction we had already had earlier in the evening! Partner’s hand: \] K 10 9 6 4 \[ 7 6 \} Q 5 3 \{ 9 4 3 He’d psyched his 2\[ response! But, of course, there were four top losers in 4\] and... the odds were that we’d have made nine tricks in 3NT! I just told partner that he should have trusted my bidding!! \]AQJ5 \[ Q 10 2 \}AK2 \{QJ8 \]832 \]7 \[AK4 \[J9853 WEST NORTH pass 2\} pass 4\{ all pass EAST SOUTH 2\{ pass 3\[ pass 4\[ Unless you lead the \}K, which is a viable lead given that overtricks are fairly unimportant, 4\[ will make 10 tricks. However, if you overcalled 2\], you will find partner raising you to 4\]. 4\] also makes ten tricks, though South is likely to bid 5\[, but at least you take that down, for a plus score. \]65 \[4 \} 10 5 4 2 \{K98762 \] A J 9 8 7 4 \[ 5 3 2 \}K7 \}A986 \} 10 9 8 6 \{765 After the 2\[ response, East would most likely have led a club, giving me a ninth trick immediately. Of course, a heart lead followed by a club switch would damage the contract, but how likely is that on our auction? \{ J 4 \] 3 \{ Q 10 5 3 \[AKQJ9876 \}QJ3 \{A \] K Q 10 2 \[ 10 \] K 10 9 6 4 \[76 \}Q53 \{943 \}J74 \{ A K 10 2 Page: 18 Australian Bridge Federation Ltd. Newsletter: June 2024