Page 19 - ABF Newsletter June 2024
P. 19

4\] was a normal outcome, losing 1.92 imps. Making a non-vulnerable game would have brought in at least 9 imps. One of the beauties of this game is that, even each of us having played for 55+ years (individually), part- ner and I can still witness an auction that neither of us has ever seen before. Try this auction (East-West vulnerable): WEST 1\{ 2\] 2 3\{ 3 NORTH EAST SOUTH pass 1\] pass 1 pass pass 2NT pass pass pass 4 pass WEST NORTH Partner 1NT 1 pass 2NT 3 pass 3\] 5 pass pass 5\[ 1. 12-14. 2. Clubs. 3. Minimum. 4. Shortness in hearts. 5. Spades. EAST Me 2\] 2 3\[ 4 5\{ dbl SOUTH pass pass pass all pass 1. I was hoping to hear partner reopen with a double, which I would have passed. 2. Holding 18 HCP and a 0-3-3-7, partner decided to show a strong hand, rather than doubling (which gives us 300 – or more likely 500 – against 1\] doubled). What could I bid after the 2\] bid? I assumed 2NT showed spades were stopped and that I held a weak hand but a penalty double of 1\]. With a stronger penalty double hand, I’d have rebid 3NT. 3. Partner thought that 3\{ was forcing... 4. I thought I’d already bid my hand and couldn’t see how 3NT could make. Partner held: \] —   \[ A Q 5   \} K Q 10   \{ A K 10 9 7 6 2 3NT by East (or West) should fail, on a heart lead. It is an awkward contract, given that my hand cannot be reached. However, I would have preferred to defend 1\] doubled! We lost 0.42 imp, but could have gained 3.92 for 1\] doubled (down two) or more for down three or 3NT making. Ah well... it’s just a game. At this form of scoring, which is more like Teams, bidding and making your games and slams is im- portant. Overtricks are less important, generally being worth 1 imp at a time. How would you value this hand after partner opens 2NT (20-22 HCP)? \]73 \[QJ92 \}3 \{KJ9753 One of the other elements of Teams scoring is that one can explore for slam, then subside in five of a minor, for little cost – perhaps losing an imp when you play game in the minor, but gaining a slam swing when that contract is sound. Ideally, after the 2NT auction, one should use Stay- man. If partner shows 4-5 hearts, look for slam. If partner denies four hearts, you can now bid 4\{, showing long clubs (probably 6+ cards) and a four- card major, slam interest. Our North simply rebid 3NT when opener denied a major. 6\{ by South was an excellent contract. By North (as would have been the case) it was on one of two finesses, South’s hand being: \]AQ6 \[A4 \}A542 \{AQ86 The four pairs who bid to 6\{ gained themselves 7.50 imps. Those who played in 3NT, despite making plenty of tricks, lost 3.25 imps. That’s simply the way the scoring works. After the game, the bar was open – till 3am, from what I heard. There was lots of socialising, lots of bridge, lots of discussion and lots of learning (be- tween clients and bridge professionals). Page: 19 Neither of us could ever recall an opponent coming in at the five-level after passing three times. Obvi- ously North had been ‘trap passing’ with solid hearts, hoping to defend 3NT. Our auction had determined that 3NT was a poor contract, so I just punted 5\{, which fails on the 7-4-1-1 heart break (a club in North’s hand is promoted). Here’s the hand: \]86 \[ A K Q J 10 9 4 \}J \{ 10 3 2 \]AKJ3 \]74 \[8632 \[7 \}A86 \} K 10 9 2 \{64 \{AQJ875 \] Q 10 9 5 2 \[5 \}Q7543 \{K9 Our auction had identified the heart weakness, though I was being pushy on my East cards – I forgot that we were playing a weak notrump for some of the auction! We took 5\[ doubled down two tricks, but should have taken it down three tricks – dum- my’s spades were established before the \{K was re- moved as an entry. However, it seems that nobody else had the same auction, or found this sacrifice, so we gained 9.67 imps anyway for our +300. +500 would not have gained much more. The next hand was challenging for both of us. Nil vulnerable, my hand was: \] K Q 10 9 8 2   \[ 10 9 3   \} 8 5 2   \{ 5 Australian Bridge Federation Ltd. Newsletter: June 2024  

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