Page 20 - ABF Newsletter June 2024
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 MYABF UPDATE with Julian Foster My ABF Project manager A name change from “Congresses” to “Calendar” When myABF launched over three years ago, the first part built was the ability for tournament organisers to list congresses and take online entry and pay- ment. Whilst that is still a key function within myABF, it is no longer anywhere close to being the only thing available. What’s more, calling the main listing page “Con- gresses” was becoming increasingly inaccurate, be- cause all of the following things have at some stage now been listed on the page: • Congresses (at all levels) • Multi-week club events • Single weekly club events (e.g. a red point dupli- cate session) • Workshops • Lessons • Dinners • Club membership renewals (this was a bit of a “fudge” just to offer a bridge credit payment fa- cility – a full member management function is in the process of being developed). Basically, anything where an organiser wants to col- lect entries and/or payments in advance can use this listing. Where entries are not taken in advance the club sessions function can be used instead – that’s where a list of player names/numbers is uploaded on the day and charges applied at the time. So, to better reflect the ongoing use of the main listing, it has been renamed from “Congresses” to “Calendar”. Here’s a guide to the main changes you will see: The following changes have been made: 1. The main menu item and main header is now “Calendar” instead of “Congresses”. 2. The link to view past events now says “View completed events” instead of “View completed congresses”. 3. The “Congress Type” filter has been changed to “Event Type” (but the selection options are the same). 4. The “Congress” title has changed to just say “Name”. 5. The “Congress Type” title has changed to say “Event Type”. As part of this change in the main menu, we have also moved Congresses (now Calendar) to the first item after the dashboard, as it tends to be the most common place users visit. Impact on Club Administrators For people with club administration access, a sim- ilar change from Congresses to Calendar has been made in the Club Admin menu: However, the content within that section is un- changed. Impact on Tournament Organisers For tournament organisers, you use the Calendar area of Club Admin to manage the initial creation of your events. But thereafter the existing structure remains, so you will still see references to “Congress” in the setup and management screens there. Whilst the main listing page will no longer say “Congresses” at the top, as you will see from the screen example earlier, you can always include the word Congress in     Page: 20 Australian Bridge Federation Ltd. Newsletter: June 2024 

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